March 28, 2025

aerial of stadium park

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  1. I can see my grandparent’s house. Just above the park is Jefferson street. The second house up on the right side is 929 N. Jefferson where Robert T. and Stella McDonald lived. I can see the open garage door at the back of the house, facing the park. This was before the Gressels (?) egg place was build behind their house. This is a very interesting photo…it’s before my time, but my parents Norma Laudick and Robert L. MacDonald grew up here. My memories include the swimming pool, which is not yet built in this photo, and fishing for carp with my grandpa over by the closed lock. You can just barely see the closed lock behind the water tower.

    • Gerry ‘Butch’ Geise says

      Enjoyed your comments but if you are referring to the municipal pool not being built, it is in the picture. My understanding was that the pool was constructed in the 1930’s, a WPA project to help pull the country out of the depression. I was told as a child that the brick lined streets in Delphos was another such project. The original concrete island appears near the pool center. Later additions such as the slide, diving boards, fountains, splash pads etc. have all been added in later years. Anyone please correct me if I’m wrong or make additional comments to keep history alive. Thank you.

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