February 5, 2025

Crossroads of History



The city of Delphos is truly a “crossroads of history.”  Not only do we have the Miami and Erie Canal going north and south, we also have the Lincoln Highway going east and west.   The Lincoln Highway later became US Route 30, the only federal route through Delphos.  Route 66 through  Delphos is NOT a federal route;  it is a state route, not to be confused with the historic US 66 which runs from Chicago to Santa Monica.

Recently a pair of brick pillars was built to accommodate two Lincoln Highway logo signs that were in our possession.  According to Mike Buettner, President of the Ohio Lincoln Highway Association, the original terra cotta logo sign ”…was salvaged from the original brick pillar in Oceola after it was destroyed by a wayward van in 1993.  The sign somehow ended up at an antique sale in Lima, where an alert historian from Delphos–Father Christopher Vasko—purchased the sign for the museum.  It was later used to cast similar signs for installation in new pillars…” at Beaverdam, Williamstown, and other locations known to have had pillars at one time to commemorate the completion of a brick paved section of the highway.  Our second pillar contains one of these cement casts.

Our brick pillar, shown here with Delphos Canal Commission president Ed Ulrich, and its twin were built by another of our trustees, Tom Miller, along with Roger Ruen.  Kahle-Langhals of Kalida furnished bricks and Ottoville Hardware donated carts to transport them to the museum. 

The Lincoln Highway Association national convention will be held in Canton, Ohio, this year from June 18 through June 22. Enthusiasts driving from the west will begin their tour in Delphos, taking route 309 through Lima, Kenton and Marion.  This was the old 30 South route, also called the Harding Highway.  Their first stop, however, will be Stadium Park to view Lock 24 on the Miami Erie Canal. The canal museum will be open extra hours on Sunday June 17 to welcome these “roadies.”  Hours will be from 1:00 to 8:00 pm. 


Printed in Delphos Herald, June 9, 2012


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