February 23, 2025

Captain John Ross

  This year marks the 150th Anniversary of the Civil War.  Probably the most well-known local persons associated with the war were the young drummer boy Avery Brown and Captain Rudolph Ruel who organized a company made up entirely of Delphos men.   But there are many more names listed in local history books and many […]

The Weger Painting

  For many years, most of the artifacts that were a part of the Delphos Historical Society Museum on the second floor of the Old Commercial Bank Building remained unseen, the only access  to them being from  a Third Street  door.   But all that has changed.  As part of our recent  expansion/renovation, we put a […]

That Horn

Canal Days is fast approaching and one of the events that draws a lot of people is the waterball contest. Area firefighters come together to participate in a wet game of “who can get the ball across the opponents line”. If you have never experIenced this event, you need to check it out this year. […]

Admiral Byrd’s Snow Cruiser and the Lincoln Highway

The Lincoln Highway Buy-Way sale is over for another year, but the highway itself continues to draw “roadies” who like to travel at a much slower pace and enjoy the scenery.  In fact, the Lincoln Highway Association has over 1,000 members from 39 states as well as 6 other countries.  Each year they have a […]

The Legacy of an Oil Can

Recently, while cleaning out a room in the old Commercial Bank Building part of the Canal Museum, we discovered a letter dated April 5, 1938, addressed to the Delphos Can Company from a 13 year old boy in Alabama.  Seems his grandmother had an oil can and liked the name that was on the label […]

Wedding Dresses

One of the most popular displays at the Canal Museum is the Bridal Display which features dresses from the 1890’s through the 1950’s.  Although they are beautiful to look at, they also reflect the changes and events of our society.  Early weddings in America were generally private affairs, held at the home of the parents […]

The Pohlman Cabinet

A magnificent example of the talent and ability of the hardy German immigrants who settled Delphos is this 6 ½ feet high walnut cabinet handcrafted by one of the founding pioneers of Delphos, J. Casper Pohlman.  The fact that he carved he and his wife’s  names across the top shows the workmanship and pride he […]

Player Pianos

Piano Roll Mechanism Player Piano   According to Wikipedia, “a player piano (also known  as Pianola or autopiano) is a self-playing piano, containing a pneumatic or electro-mechanical mechanism that operates the piano action via pre-programmed music perforated paper.”  The holes in the paper generated notes on the piano, with each hole representing a different action.  […]

High-Button Shoes

 High-button shoes, which were in fashion from 1870 until the end of World War I and the beginning of the flapper era, were made possible due to the invention of a sewing machine that could attach buttons  In the late 1800’s, a woman’s greatest virtue was modesty.  Dresses and blouses had high necks and long […]

Christmas at the Museum

It may seem a little early for Christmas but at the museum decorating for the Christmas Tree Festival is in full swing.  It takes many workers and many hours to set up and decorate over 100 trees. We are fortunate we have such a great group of volunteers. One of the favorite displays each year […]