October 22, 2024

The Legacy of an Oil Can

Recently, while cleaning out a room in the old Commercial Bank Building part of the Canal Museum, we discovered a letter dated April 5, 1938, addressed to the Delphos Can Company from a 13 year old boy in Alabama.  Seems his grandmother had an oil can and liked the name that was on the label so well that she named her grandson after it.  His name was  Delphos Fulton.  The letter was informing the company president, Elmer Werner,  to save a spot for him because after he graduated he was coming to Delphos to work for the company that was the inspiration for his name.  Mr. Werner was kind enough to answer Delphos’s letter, telling him the company was now the New Delphos Manufacturing Company  and giving him much encouragement.  Makes one wonder how many CEO’s today would take that kind of time.  Fortunately for us, both letters were filed away and eventually made their way to our museum or there would be no story.

But wait…the story doesn’t end there.  After a little research on the Internet, we were able to contact a Delphos M. Fulton in Sarasota, Florida.  Turns out he is the son of our original Delphos and goes by the name of Del.  He was very aware of where the name Delphos came from, so the story was passed down.

But wait…there’s more.  The original Delphos Fulton also had another son as well as a daughter.  And the daughter named her son…you guessed it…Delphos. 

Delphos Fulton never made it to Delphos, Ohio  to get that  job.  He stayed in Alabama and became a mechanic and a truck driver.  He passed away in 1998, but his name certainly lives on. 

Published in the Delphos Herald July 9, 2011.

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  1. Delphos M. Fulton says

    This is a true story of my dad, George Delphos Fulton. My dad became a master auto mechanic, and was an early builder of auto engines that ran in the Daytona races. At our family reunion I asked my dad’s sister about this letter. She was surprised about it , and never new that my dad had written this letter. In this story I have seen a side of my dad I never knew. I never knew the young boy looking for a place in society and a future for his family. Maybe this will inspire others to look for that young mom or dad in their parents that they never had the opportunity see. Thank you for taking the time to put all this together…it has been a blessing to our family!

  2. Floy Fulton Spera says

    I read your article today about my Dad what a wonderful way to remember him by. My son was so excited to now be able to really tell everyone where his name came from being so young he would never tell anyone his name was Delphos.

    Thank you so much for remembering our Father,

    Floy Fulton Spera (Delphos Fulton’s Daughter)

  3. Abby (Werner) Diller says

    This is a great article! My Great Grandfather was Elmer. His son, Jack, my Grandfather, just passed away this past Wednesday 8-22-2012. Amazing that he took the time to reply back to your Dad. I find the whole story endearing and wish I had known about it earlier. I would have loved to ask my Grandfather about it.

    • Delphos M Fulton says

      Thank you for taking the time to respond to this wonderful story published for all of use to enjoy.
      Sorry about the loss of your granddad.

  4. Linda Baker says

    I’m afraid I can’t help you. I have no idea.

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