March 26, 2025

The Captain’s Table

This Captain’s table from the Marguerite canal boat which last docked in Delphos is on display at the Delphos Canal Commission along with many other canal era artifacts.

Made of solid wood, possibly oak, this table is a great example of early Delphos canal boat furniture. Note the inset for glassware just under the tabletop near each leg of the table. What an ingenious idea! We also have an example of an early portable metal bathtub and a large shovel\scoop which was used to “hand haul” dirt from the site during the digging of the canal.

Pictures from the canal era as well as canal boat models, replicas, paintings and photos can also be viewed at the museum. Beams and pieces of the actual Marguerite which were recovered from the canal by the Knights of Columbus Squires youth organization are also being brought to the museum from storage. With the much needed expansion of the museum well underway, many more of the treasures generously donated to the museum by the citizens of Delphos and the surrounding area will soon have a place of honor for all to see!

Printed in the Delphos Herald August 14, 2010 by the Delphos Canal Commission.

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