October 22, 2024

Carey A. Evans, Beloved Doctor, Mayor, Railroad Entrepreneur

On February 21, 1889 the Delphos Herald proclaimed, “Never in the history of Delphos were our people more shocked than on last Saturday when it as announced that Dr. C.A. Evans had suddenly and with only a few hours warning passed from earth to the life beyond.”  “In his death Delphos sustains he loss of one of its most prominent citizens and foremost physicians.”

Carey A. Evans was born at Hillsboro, Ohio on July 19, 1829 from a family with a long history in the healing arts.  The Evans came to this country about 1775 and settled first in Kentucky before migrating to Ohio in 1802.  His maternal side, the Duckwalls, arrived from Germany in the early 18th century. 

Young Mr. Evans began his medical training at age 19 at the Ohio Medical College in Cincinnati.  He graduated in the class of 1849-1850.  In June 1850 Dr. Evans journeyed to northwest Ohio to the new settlement of Section 10 situated on the newly constructed Miami and Erie Canal.  Section 10 would incorporate as Delphos the following year.  Dr. Evans attended to the medical needs of those in the foundling village and the surrounding wilderness, often riding on horseback to his patients, fully knowing they may be unable to pay.  He was an original founder of the Allen County Medical Society.  In April 1855 Dr. Evans married Ann Enslen in Columbia City, Indiana.

Dr. Evans not only spent decades tending to the medical needs of his community, he also had a keen interest in the development of Delphos, particularly the railroads.  He was involved with the Toledo, Cincinnati and St. Louis Railway until it was no longer associated with Delphos.  Subsequently he organized the Delphos & Kokomo Railway Company and served as its president until 1878.  In 1880 he organized the Cleveland, Delphos & St. Louis Railway and served as president until 1881 whereupon he resigned and became vice-president of a construction company.  He was also associated with the development of other rail lines.  Dr. Evans spent two terms as mayor of Delphos; April 7, 1862-April 1 1866 and February 22, 1888-April 1 1888.  He spent the final years of his life tending to the medical needs of his fellow citizens.  On February 14, 1889 Dr. Evans was quite ill but managed to continue his work.  Friday night he was summoned to treat a patient and was up until 5:00am.  While returning home he fell violently ill and collapsed.  Dr. Wagner was summoned at 7:00am with other assistance but it was to no avail and Dr. Evans passed peacefully at 4:00pm on Saturday, February 16.  With bitter cold temperatures Dr. Evans funeral was held at the Rink in Delphos with 1,500 mourners in attendance.  Numerous friends and fellow physicians from out of town traveled to Delphos to attend the services.  The funeral service was conducted by Rev. T. J. Dague with assistance by Rev. J.W. Holland.  The Masons took charge after the service and Dr. Evans was interred at Walnut Grove Cemetery with impressive ceremonies.  Ann Enslen Evans passed in September 1904 and is buried next to her husband.  Following Dr. Evans death both the Council of the Village of Delphos and fellow Delphos physicians passed resolutions honoring Dr. Evans for his lifetime of service as a physician and Mayor and Councilman.  The Physicians resolution was to be published in the Cincinnati Lancet and Clinic, Fort Wayne Journal of Medical Science, Delphos Herald, Delphos Courant and Lima Democrat.         

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