March 28, 2025

Down Memory Lane

It was my turn to write the “On The Banks of Yesteryear” article for the Delphos Herald this month but for the life of me I could not get the first sentence of my chosen topic to trickle out of my head, down to my fingers and onto the keyboard.  So after several hours of angst I decided to go an entirely different, and much easier, direction.  This month we’re taking a trip down memory lane with the use of some photos and postcards from the Canal Commission archives.  The photos presented will include a short description to tell you a little bit about them.  But the main purpose of these photos is to jog your memory and bring a lot of good memories flooding back.  Now, part of the deal of sharing these photos with you is that we want you to share your memories with us.  Whatever comes to mind when you see these photos, let us know.  You can post a comment on Facebook, send us an email at or drop us a few lines through the always reliable US Postal Service.  You can even stop by the Museum and tell us the stories in person.  Whatever you share with us, we’ll share with everybody else.


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