January 23, 2025

The Perfection Stove

The overworked and overheated chief cook and bottle washer must have jumped for joy with the introduction of the Perfection kerosene burning stove in the 1920’s. This stove was the height of technology and convenience, replacing the older wood or coal burning kitchen stoves. No more soot and smoke to clean and hopefully less burned or undercooked meals. According to an advertising piece for the Perfection oil burning ranges, this unit burns kerosene, the safe, economical fuel. Clean-up would be easy as the stove features a porcelain enamel finish that would provide a lifetime of usefulness and beauty.

The strong, graceful design at less than shoulder height was built to fit into small spaces. Kerosene burners, similar to today’s kerosene heaters, featured automatic wick stops and long, double-walled chimneys that would increase cooking heat and still keep your pots and pans clean. Because of the convenient burner arrangement and the large all-grate cooking top, you could cook, simmer and warm at the same time. The built-in oven was enamel lined and air-insulated and also featured a temperature indicator to simplify cooking. The freestanding unit required no installation and was available for as little as $17.50 with a top of the line price of $154.00. The Perfection Stove Company was in Cleveland, Ohio.

The model on display at the Delphos Canal Commission Museum was used in Delphos as a laundry water heater as well as a heat source for the local beverage industry. It was given in memory of Leander and Agnes Knebel by their family. Stop in to see this and other interesting early kitchen stoves, appliances and utensils.

1920's Perfection Stove

Printed in the Delphos Herald July 10, 2010 by the Delphos Canal Commission.

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  1. my husbands brother has a 1920’s PERFECTION OIL BURNING range STOVE sitting in a barn in mint condition would you know what it would appraises for ? Thank you for your time . Janice

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