March 15, 2025

Player Pianos

Piano Roll Mechanism Player Piano   According to Wikipedia, “a player piano (also known  as Pianola or autopiano) is a self-playing piano, containing a pneumatic or electro-mechanical mechanism that operates the piano action via pre-programmed music perforated paper.”  The holes in the paper generated notes on the piano, with each hole representing a different action.  […]

Kollsmith Wagon Works

Wagons were first developed in Mesopotamia in the middle of the fourth century B.C. and improved upon with the invention of the pivoting front axle during ancient Roman times.  The front axle allowed for better steering and turning capabilities. The wagons on display at the Delphos Canal Commission are certainly of a much later date […]

High-Button Shoes

 High-button shoes, which were in fashion from 1870 until the end of World War I and the beginning of the flapper era, were made possible due to the invention of a sewing machine that could attach buttons  In the late 1800’s, a woman’s greatest virtue was modesty.  Dresses and blouses had high necks and long […]

Christmas at the Museum

It may seem a little early for Christmas but at the museum decorating for the Christmas Tree Festival is in full swing.  It takes many workers and many hours to set up and decorate over 100 trees. We are fortunate we have such a great group of volunteers. One of the favorite displays each year […]

Early Farm Equipment

As you see the farmers out in the fields harvesting the crops, you marvel at the advancements in farming. Just 100 years ago the task was performed by hand and then with the help of horses, mules and oxen. What you see one farmer accomplish in one day once required many days with many men, […]

Delphos Brewery

In 1868 Felix Steinle, a German beer maker, came to America and began looking for a good-sized town in which to establish a brewery. His ultimate choice of Delphos led to the creation of a significant industry specializing in beer, soft drinks and ice. In 1883 he purchased the Delphos Brewery and by 1885 was […]

The Perfection Stove

The overworked and overheated chief cook and bottle washer must have jumped for joy with the introduction of the Perfection kerosene burning stove in the 1920’s. This stove was the height of technology and convenience, replacing the older wood or coal burning kitchen stoves. No more soot and smoke to clean and hopefully less burned […]

From Mill to Milk

According to Lawrence W. Adam (information submitted in 1964) this stool was built to sit on while milking cows in the dairy of the Brook Valley farm, near Delphos, in 1920. Milk stools had to be low and sturdy and this one certainly meets that requirement. What makes this particular stool unique is that the […]

From Cleaning Horses to Cleaning Cars

Nestled in among a vast array of military items are two small wooden objects which were made in Delphos. According to the 1892 Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, W.T. McCracken built a stirrup factory at what is now the Canal Street car wash sometime between 1888 and 1892 for the sole purpose of making wooden horse […]

The Captain’s Table

This Captain’s table from the Marguerite canal boat which last docked in Delphos is on display at the Delphos Canal Commission along with many other canal era artifacts. Made of solid wood, possibly oak, this table is a great example of early Delphos canal boat furniture. Note the inset for glassware just under the tabletop […]